Reach Asia for JESUS one Village at a Time – Join hands with Us
We are a charitable organisation run by volunteers and minimal administration costs so that 98% of donations we receive go directly to the work in the field. You can choose to sponsor a village, a team or a whole state.
To DONATE please write to us at or text 0452521942.

Camp Divya Australia is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) since inception in 2022. We are also an Associate Member of Missions Interlink. The Asian arm of the ministry first began in 2008.

We provide support for local Asian Workers to travel to villages in rural Asia spreading the good news and supporting communities. Whilst spreading the good news and the love of God is the primary objective, the workers also undertake various initiatives for the betterment of the villages they minister in. All Workers are accountable to localised leaders, within a regional leadership network.
By supporting us, you will not only be showing Christ’s love to the forgotten in remote areas, but also bringing hope and help in various forms to the village you sponsor.
Join hands with our brothers and sisters in Asia to spread God’s kingdom on earth. For as little as $180 a year you can sponsor a whole village for a year. Our worker will visit the village twice a month, bringing hope and help to the village. Contact us at for more information.