Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field Matt 9:38

CDA is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) since inception in 2022. We are an Associate Member of Missions Interlink and station sponsor of Sonshine Digital Radio.

We are evangelical in ethos, based in Perth. Our committee comprises three families who have come together to help support the work of Camp Divya. Between us, we have accounting, science, teaching and ministry qualifications. Woodvale Baptist Church was the first local congregation to partner with us and continues to be a valued supporter. Our coordinating member, Asha Thivy, has long-term established relationships with local Workers and, together, the committee provides oversight and support.

Camp Divya Australia provides support for local Asian Workers to travel to villages in rural Asia spreading the good news and supporting communities. Whilst spreading the good news is the primary objective, the workers also undertake various initiatives for the betterment of the economically deprived. All Workers are accountable to localised leaders, within a regional leadership network.
We are part of the worldwide church, the Body of Christ, holding to the Apostles’ Creed and evangelical Christian values.