These true stories are translated or paraphrased from the original language. We hope you are touched by the hope they give and the power of prayer. Not all stories have warm endings, sometimes the grace of the Lord is seen in the suffering. We hope it encourages you in your prayer life. This page is updated regularly, names have been changed to protect individuals.
November 2024
CORPORATE PRAYER For three months Lena had unbearable pain in her stomach. Our fellowship prayed for her sincerely and she was healed. I praise God for this.
KIDNEY FAILURE Deyal in my village suffered from kidney failure and she has spent a large sum of money on her condition at the hospital. I counselled her to pray with the others and to fast and trust the Lord to help her. She took our advice and joined in fasting and prayer for three months. The Lord in His great mercy has chosen to heal her completely! What a wonderful miracle He has performed in her life.
INSTANTLY HEALED A dear lady whom I had been recently counselling and praying for was cured instantly when we prayed. It is so good to see God working in different ways with different people.
October 2024
MARRIAGE SAVED I wish you all in our Lord’s Name and give Him the glory as I testify to His goodness! A brother and his wife had committed their lives to the Lord a few years ago. However, they had family problems and were on the brink of divorce. I supported them prayerfully and counselled them several times pleading with them not to give up but to keep going, trusting the Lord to sort their differences. For seven weeks we had family prayer for a blessing upon their marriage and in the seventh week, the Lord brought healing to their relationship and are reconciled. I thank God for an answer to diligent prayer.
CANCER HEALED Recently I met a man and shared the love of the Lord to him. He was suffering from cancer. I kept inviting him over and sharing with Him from God’s Word about His power. Miraculously he was healed of his affliction and now he is a testimony to the power of God in His life.
TUMOR ANOINTED In my village, the Lord made a miracle in the life of a man I had met and I would like to share it with you. His name is Manu and for 15 years he had a large tumorous open sore which he had spent much of his money on, but to no avail. It only kept getting worse and he couldn’t work because of the bleeding. He told me this and we prayed for Him speaking out God’s Word over his life through several verses. He began to pray and trust God gradually. I anointed him with oil for a few weeks and I could see his faith grow. Over the last several weeks he has been steadily growing and the tumorous sore has been shrinking. The sore is now pin sized and can hardly be noticed. I thank God in the way in which he has been healed.
TRUSTING GOD FOR HEALING I have been doing my work in a certain village for the last several years and I would like to share something. I prayed for several people who came forward a few months ago. There was a family that came forward and a woman from that family had a heart problem and asked for prayer. I comforted her that the Lord hears all who call upon Him in trust and faith. I continue to pray for her and believe the Lord will heal her and save her whole family. I do believe that very soon she will be healed because I have seen God’s healing power at work before.
September 2024
MY CHURCH PRAYED My greetings to you! I would like to share with you a testimony of a Believer in our village Church. His name is Isaac. He fell very ill with fever recently and visited the nearby clinic and hospital and gave his blood for testing. He was led by the Holy Spirit to fast and pray regarding this matter and as a Church we went to him and prayed together and as soon as we finished he felt the fever leave him.
The next day, the hospital called to tell him that his blood test showed he had dengue fever and should be admitted immediately. He told them that he was healed, but they insisted that he take another test. Isaac went again for a blood test, but this time it did not show any trace of dengue. I glorify the Lord for His amazing healing towards this brother and may the glory to God for His love.
DRUNK HEALED During one of my field visits, I visited a family whose father was a violent drunk. After several visits and prayer, he and his entire family believed in the truth and he has now turned to God and has been set free from his addiction.
In the neighbouring village there was a rowdy person who always disturbed the peace. He however was touched with the love that we showed him and is now a reformed man. I praise God for the way in which He shows His love through us to those who do not follow the truth. I give God the glory for the power of prayer and faith.
FAMILY SAVED FROM WITCHCRAFT All glory to God Almighty! In one of the villages that I visit, there is a family that came to know the love of our Lord. The entire village was shocked to see the transformation in this family because they had been under a severe curse through witchcraft, and had spent several thousands by going to witch doctors for relief. The mother of the family had spent a whole year in a particular place of worship as a penance for her family, but that did not set them free. Today the family have come to know God’s complete and free love and have been delivered from the witchcraft that had kept them bound for so long. This event has affected me deeply and I am so grateful that the Lord used me as His instrument in delivering this family.
GOD’S GIFT The Lord performed a mighty miracle in our fellowship. A dear sister, Vim, could not conceive and she in fact contracted a dreadful disease. But through this disease the Lord gave her a chance to know and trust in Him. She began to grow in the Lord and the Lord healed her completely and gave her a child. We celebrated his birthday recently. She stands as a witness for the Lord’s good ness in her life. She testifies that the Lord saw her tears and graciously granted her request. Glory be to God!
MENTAL HEALTH RELIEF Last month, two people came to our fellowship. They were extremely affected by mental health issues, but they trusted God and came to Him for help. We prayed for them sincerely and the Lord gave them deliverance from their condition. Please pray for us that the Lord would continue to show His mighty hand. We praise God that there is nothing He cannot do for us when we come to Him in prayer. There are times when the healing does not come, but we continue to go to Him in prayer requesting His mercies.